The offset from UTC of Irkutsk, Russia has been updated after the Irkutsk region moved from Irkutsk Time (UTC+8) to Krasnoyarsk Time (UTC+7) on March 27, 2011.
Daylight-saving time information for Belarus, Chile, the Gaza Strip, Morocco, Russia, Samoa, Turkey, the West Bank, and Western Sahara has been updated. Starting from March 27, 2011, Russia will observe daylight-saving time all year round and Belarus will probably do the same. This year, Morocco and Western Sahara will observe daylight-saving time from April 3 to July 31, while DST in Turkey started one day later, on March 28, due to a nationwide exam on March 27. To increase energy savings, Chile decided to further postpone the end of daylight-saving time to May 8. In addition to that, winter time in Chile will last less than 4 months this year with DST starting on the third Saturday in August. Daylight-saving time in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip will start on April 1 and 2, respectively and Samoa will advance the end of DST from April 3 to April 2.