Application Wizard Icon

Look up contact information

With Application Wizard you can have instant access to your contacts.


View contact information

Display the Special menu and select a contact in the Contacts submenu.

Display a phone number in large type

Display the Special menu and choose the phone number from the Contacts submenu.

Call a phone with Skype

Display the Special menu, select the phone number in the Contacts submenu, and choose Call with Skype.

Send a SMS to a phone with Skype

Display the Special menu, select the phone number in the Contacts submenu, and choose Send SMS with Skype.

Create a pre-addressed email message

Display the Special menu and choose the email address from the Contacts submenu.

Start a FaceTime call

Display the Special menu, select the phone number or email address in the Contacts submenu, and choose FaceTime.

Send a text message using iMessage

Display the Special menu, select the phone number or email address in the Contacts submenu, and choose Send Message.

Visit a home page or URL

Display the Special menu and choose the URL from the Contacts submenu.

Invite a contact to a chat

Display the Special menu and choose the contact’s screen name from the Contacts submenu.

View a social network profile

Display the Special menu and choose the contact’s user name from the Contacts submenu.

Copy an address as a mailing label

Display the Special menu, select the address in the Contacts submenu, and choose Copy Address..

Display a map that shows the location of an address

Display the Special menu and choose the address from the Contacts submenu.

If you prefer to display the map in Google Maps, select the address in the Contacts submenu, hold down the Option key, and choose Open in Google Maps.

Copy the URL of a map that shows the location of an address

Display the Special menu, select the address in the Contacts submenu, and choose Copy Map URL.

If you prefer to copy the Google Maps URL, hold down the Option key and choose Copy Google Maps URL.

View birthdays, lunar birthdays, and related names

Display the Special menu, select a contact in the Contacts submenu, and display the More Info submenu.

Open Contacts

Choose Contacts from the Special menu.

Show a contact in Contacts

Display the Special menu and choose the contact from the Contacts submenu.

Edit a contact

Display the Special menu, select the contact in the Contacts submenu, and choose Edit Card.

Create a vCard

Display the Special menu, select the contact in the Contacts submenu, and choose Export vCard.

Related topics

Customize the Special menu
Use the Special menu
Access your contacts