If Resume is enabled, when you launch applications, they appear exactly where you left them when you last used them. All the open windows are restored and come back just as they were. It is a nice feature, but you may want certain applications not to restore their windows.
If the application is running, quit it. Window restoration settings cannot be modified while applications are running.
Open Application Wizard.
On macOS 13 or later, choose Application Wizard > Settings. On macOS 12 or 11, choose Application Wizard > Preferences. Then click Resume.
Click the Add (+) button at the bottom of the list, browse and select the application, and click Add. Alternatively, you can drag the application from the Applications panel or from the Finder to the list.
Conversely, if you have disabled Resume system-wide by enabling “Close windows when quitting an application” in the Desktop & Dock pane of System Settings (macOS 13 or later) or “Close windows when quitting an app” in the General pane of System Preferences (macOS 12 or 11), you may want that some applications restore their windows.
If the application is running, quit it. Window restoration settings cannot be modified while applications are running.
Open Application Wizard.
On macOS 13 or later, choose Application Wizard > Settings. On macOS 12 or 11, choose Application Wizard > Preferences. Then click Resume.
Click the Add (+) button at the bottom of the list, browse and select the application, and click Add. Alternatively, you can drag the application from the Applications panel or from the Finder to the list.
Select the checkbox in the Restore Windows column.
You can view the paths and bundle identifiers of the applications you have added to the list in the Resume pane. Choose View > Show Info Tags and move the pointer over application names.
Important: Application Wizard disables or enables window restoration by editing your applications’ preference files. For this reason, window restoration settings will persist if you turn Application Wizard off or uninstall it.
If the application is running, quit it. Window restoration settings cannot be modified while applications are running.
Select the application and click the Remove (-) button at the bottom of the list or press the Delete key.