Currency Assistant
Frequently Asked Questions
I have lost my registration code. Can you email it to me?
Sure! Contact us at and we will email you a copy of your Currency Assistant registration letter.
I purchased Currency Assistant. Where is my registration code?
After having completed your purchase, usually within a few minutes, you should have received two emails from <mailer@fastspring.com>. The “Your Order Receipt” email is an invoice and contains your billing information, while the “Your Production Information” email contains your registration code.
If you didn’t receive these emails, please check your spam folder or contact us at .
Currency Assistant doesn’t accept my registration code. What am I doing wrong?
Your registration code consists of both serial number and user name. Please be sure to type both your serial number and user name exactly as they appear in our order confirmation page or email (you can use Copy and Paste to prevent typing errors).
Note that if you are upgrading to Currency Assistant after a clean installation, you must type your Euro Assistant Pro registration code before you can enter your upgrade code. If you can’t find your old registration code, please contact us at and we will email you a copy of your Euro Assistant Pro registration letter.
Is upgrade from Euro Assistant Pro to Currency Assistant free?
No, Currency Assistant is a paid upgrade from Euro Assistant Pro. To purchase the upgrade, visit our online store.
I have a Currency Assistant single license. Can I use Currency Assistant on more than one computer?
A single license allows you to install and use Currency Assistant on a single computer if the computer is used by multiple persons, or on up to three computers, provided you are the only user of all the computers.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 15 Sequoia?
Yes, Currency Assistant 3.6.3 is fully compatible with macOS 15 Sequoia. You can download Currency Assistant on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 14 Sonoma?
Yes, Currency Assistant 3.6.2 or later is fully compatible with macOS 14 Sonoma. You can download Currency Assistant on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 13 Ventura?
Yes, Currency Assistant 3.6 or later is fully compatible with macOS 13 Ventura. You can download Currency Assistant on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 12 Monterey?
Yes, Currency Assistant 3.5 or later is fully compatible with macOS 12 Monterey. You can download Currency Assistant on this page.
Does Currency Assistant run natively on Apple Silicon Macs?
Yes, Currency Assistant 3.4.1 or later is Universal and runs natively on both Apple Silicon and Intel-based Macs. You can download Currency Assistant on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 11 Big Sur?
Yes, Currency Assistant 3.4 or later is fully compatible with macOS 11 Big Sur. You can download Currency Assistant on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 10.15 Catalina?
Yes, Currency Assistant 3.3 or later is fully compatible with macOS 10.15 Catalina. You can download Currency Assistant on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 10.14 Mojave?
Yes, Currency Assistant 3.3 or later is fully compatible with macOS 10.14 Mojave. You can download Currency Assistant on this page.
Does Currency Assistant support Dark Mode?
Yes, Currency Assistant 3.3 or later supports Dark Mode. You can download Currency Assistant on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 10.13 High Sierra?
Yes, Currency Assistant 3.2.7 or later is fully compatible with macOS 10.13 High Sierra. You can download Currency Assistant on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 10.12 Sierra?
Yes, Currency Assistant 3.2.6 or later is fully compatible with macOS 10.12 Sierra. You can download Currency Assistant on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 10.11 El Capitan?
Yes, Currency Assistant 3.2.3 or later is fully compatible with macOS 10.11 El Capitan. You can download Currency Assistant on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 10.10 Yosemite?
Currency Assistant 3.2.9 is the latest version running on macOS 10.10 Yosemite. You can download Currency Assistant 3.2.9 on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 10.9 Mavericks?
Currency Assistant 3.2.9 is the latest version running on macOS 10.10 Yosemite. You can download Currency Assistant 3.2.9 on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 10.8 Mountain Lion?
Currency Assistant 3.2.9 is the latest version running on macOS 10.10 Yosemite. You can download Currency Assistant 3.2.9 on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 10.7 Lion?
Currency Assistant 3.2.9 is the latest version running on macOS 10.10 Yosemite. You can download Currency Assistant 3.2.9 on this page.
Is Currency Assistant compatible with macOS 10.6 Snow Leopard?
Currency Assistant 3.2.9 is the latest version running on macOS 10.10 Yosemite. You can download Currency Assistant 3.2.9 on this page.