Currency Assistant Icon

An overview of converters

Converters can list up to 24 currencies and contain the following items:



Converters can contain up to 24 displays, one for each listed currency. The active display is highlighted and lets you enter the amount you want to convert.

You can choose the color used to highlight the active display and change the text size in displays.


Using separators you can visually group displays within a converter. To insert a separator after the active display, choose Converter > Add Separator.

Separators can be emphasized to make them more evident.

Switch Currency pop-up menu

Each display includes a Switch Currency pop-up menu. It shows the ISO code and flag of the corresponding currency and allows you to quickly change currency.

The pop-up menu can be customized, so that you can easily access frequently used currencies.

Rate indicator

Shows the exchange rate of the active currency expressed in terms of your base currency.

The Rate indicator is in the converter’s bottom bar.

Rounding pop-up menu

Shows the rounding of the active currency and lets you quickly change it.

On macOS 11 or later, the Rounding pop-up menu is in the converter’s toolbar. On macOS 10.15 or earlier, the Rounding pop-up menu is in the converter’s bottom bar.

Rate pop-up menu

Lets you view and copy the exchange rates of the currencies listed in the converter. Rates are expressed in terms of your base currency.

On macOS 11 or later, the Rate pop-up menu is in the converter’s toolbar. On macOS 10.15 or earlier, the Rate pop-up menu is in the converter’s bottom bar.

Action pop-up menu

Lets you accomplish recurrent tasks like updating rates or clearing the tape and allows you to edit, duplicate, or delete the converter.

On macOS 11 or later, the Action pop-up menu is in the converter’s toolbar. On macOS 10.15 or earlier, the Action pop-up menu is in the converter’s bottom bar.

Tape button

Lets you show or hide the tape.

On macOS 11 or later, the Tape button is in the converter’s toolbar. On macOS 10.15 or earlier, the Tape button is in the converter’s bottom bar.


Lets you log, copy, save, and print conversion results.

Related topics

General settings
Customize the Add Currency and Switch Currency menus
Set your base currency
Log conversions